Organized by
Greener EU
BETA Italia

Under the patronage of

Next Generation EU:
Innovation, Digitalization, and Inclusion of Women and Youth in the European Green Deal
Next Generation EU is the recovery instrument proposed by the European Commission in 2020 to tackle the recovery of the European economy after the covid-19 pandemic. The aim of the €750 billion recovery instrument is to create a green and digital transition towards a prosperous and resilient European future. The proposal has been positively received as a strong statement for an innovative, competitive, green, and resilient future, but has also been criticized for not doing enough for the most affected and vulnerable social groups: women and youth.
Thanks to efforts by members of the European Parliament, civil lobby groups, and the added link between Next Generation EU and the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025, there is now a requirement for the inclusion of women-focused recovery solutions in national recovery plans. Additionally, several measures have been put in place to increase Youth Employment Support, most notably: €22 billion of the Next Generation EU budget is meant to be spent on plans to increase youth employment. This requires member states to be ambitious and to include young and female employees and entrepreneurs in their national recovery plans.
During this event, we would like to discuss two topics concerning Next Generation EU: First, we will discuss how green and sustainable digitalization and innovation can be boosted by this instrument, especially within the start-up and entrepreneurial world, as well as how digitalization and innovation impact the next generation and the future of Europe. Secondly, we want to discuss how to effectively include women and youth in this recovery project by empowering young, female entrepreneurs. For the discussion, we invite experts from different corners of the European business field, as well as a young, female activist to voice their vision for a green, digital and inclusive Future for the European Union.
You can sign up for the event on Eventbrite
Find out more about the Next Generation EU recovery instrument in our
Download the flyer of the event here:
TIMETABLE: 22nd of September 2021
Start of the Event
9:00 - 9:15
Welcome by the Moderators
9:15 - 9:25
Introduction to the First Topic
9:25 - 10:15
Panel Discussion on Innovation & Digitalization
10:15 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:40
Introduction to the Second Topic
10:40 - 11:30
Panel Discussion on Inclusion of Women and Youth
11:30 - 12:00
Conclusion of the Discussion
End of the event
Cinzia Pasquale - 4Success2EU (Italy/belgium)

Mrs. Pasquale always had a deep interest in the complexities of economic, social, and political reality. As the initiator of 4Success2EU, she is a speaker-panelist and Lecturer in high-level events related to EU Fundings and the Belt and Road Initiative. Within 4Success2EU, she focuses on European project promotion, funding, counseling, advocacy, project management, coaching, and internationalization. Together with international teams, she has inspired the successful participation in European Projects with the focus on sustainable transport, innovation for Small and Medium Enterprises, digital disruptive solutions, cybersecurity for citizens, and enterprises facing societal challenges. She has experience with many European projects, including Horizon 2020 and the European Investment Bank Project.
Uffe Wikström- interact (finland)

Mr. Wikström is an expert on leadership, education, and organizational development, with a background in Political Science, History, and Pedagogics. He is an experienced project manager with a demonstrated history in education and intergovernmental relations with a focus on sustainable transport, EU cooperation, adult learning, networking, and communication. Since 2008, he works as project manager for Interact, a Europe-wide program supporting cross-border cooperation all over Europe. His focus lies on Capitalisation and Communication of the added value of territorial cooperation and developing online learning material and resources for the Interreg Programs. He is an expert on cross-border cooperation and has 30+ year experience in the field.
jennifer menninger - Wilpf (germany)

Jennifer has been an active WILPF member since March 2018 and represents the organization in the UN Women's Rights Commission and in the European Women's Lobby. She is the Executive Director of the German WILPF Section and a member of the Board of the European Women's Lobby. Her feminist commitment was strongly influenced by her origins in a workers' quarter in Mannheim and her work in women's and human rights organizations in Singapore and Namibia. She has a Masters in Gender Studies and is currently studying “War and Conflict Studies” at the University of Potsdam. Jennifer also works for the civil conflict management platform in Berlin. She focuses on disarmament and security policy from an intersectional feminist perspective.
prof. cristiana carletti - Roma Tre (italy)
Prof. Cristiana Carletti graduated in Political Science at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in Public International Law and is an Associate Professor of International Law at the Roma Tre University. She is a legal expert at the Interministerial Committee of Human Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and member of the IDLO Board of Advisers. As expert she represents the Italian Government as a member of the Council of Europe Committee for the Strategy for Children’s Rights. She is also Chair of NATO's Civil Society Advisory Panel on Women, Peace and Security. She is also member of the Steering Committee of the UNICEF LAB project in Italy and a partner of the Italian Society of International Law.

M.A. ISABella mavellia - greenereu 2050
Isabella is the founder of GreenerEU 2050 and holds an M.Sc. in Comparative International Relations with a background in International Business Administration and Management (B.Sc.). She specialized in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and specifically in the development of sustainable tourism with special interest in the implementation of targets in the City of Venice, as well as European project management and international and cross-cultural relations such as intercultural communication.

marisa de schepper - greenereu 2050
Marisa is a Belgian master student in Tourism & Sustainability at the Linnaeus University in Sweden with a background in Environment, Health & Safety Management (M.Sc.). At the moment, she is collaborating with GreenerEU 2050 on the organization of three roundtable events on Sustainability and the Future of Europe. Passionate about the environment from a young age, she is particularly interested in international policies and project development on sustainability, tourism, and LGBTQ+ issues.

stephan raab - greenereu 2050 & beta italia
Stephan is a former German Schuman Trainee at the European Parliament and researcher in international adult education at the University of Bamberg. He also collaborates with GreenerEU 2050 and is member of BETA – Italia. His interest cover particularly lifelong learning and a common European Education area.

valeria peruzzi - beta italia
Valeria is an Italian master degreed student in European and International policies at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan. In 2021 she collaborated with SDA Bocconi School of Management on ‘Paperless’, a project for the digitalization of all the school’s materials. In September, she started a Master in European Studies on Society Science and Technology at the Maastricht University. Passionate about Europe, education, big events, and projects, she is the first female President of BETA Italia, which she has been running for two years.


Under the patronage of